Carolyn Tourney Florek is a poet, publisher, garden designer, and visual artist who moved to Santa Fe in 2015 after living in Houston for more than thirty years. She has a B.S. in Geology (1977) from Wayne State University, and a B.F.A. in Painting from the University of Tulsa (1982). Her poetry has been published in The Texas Review, Illya’s Honey, several Houston Poetry Fest anthologies, among other publications. Carolyn’s poem, “Over Flat Creek,” published in The Texas Poetry Calendar 2014, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is co-founder with her husband Bob of Mutabilis Press. Carolyn was Artist-in-Residence at Bandelier National Monument in fall of 2015, and now coordinates the program. She has been a contributor to publications of the Santa Fe National Forest Site Stewards and the Museum of New Mexico Friends of Archaeology. Her illustrated map of the Las Conchas fire was included in the book Fire Ghosts (George F Thompson Publishing, 2019).